Information for Families » Uniform




The school uniform must be worn from the first Monday in September through the last day of school in June. Students may wear the fall/spring uniform during the months of September/October and April/May/June (exact dates will be announced).


Flynn & O’Hara, the school uniform company, can be reached at


Toll Free 800-441-4122

Email [email protected]

On-line orders may be placed at

Local Store at
2415 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 863-7561

All students must wear the uniform traveling to and from school.


Uniform (grades 9-11)

  • SJB navy blue uniform pants
  • SJB WHITE banded shirt (long or short sleeve). The SJB gym t-shirt may not be worn in place of the SJB banded shirt.
  • SJB navy blue sweater or vest or SJB half-zip pullover
  • THE UNIFORM SHOE: Jeanites are expected to wear a standard low-heeled shoe that may be laced or slip-on in black, brown, or navy. Sneakers are not permitted.


Uniform (grade 12)

  • SJB navy blue uniform pants
  • SJB WHITE banded shirt (long or short sleeve). The SJB gym t-shirt may not be worn in place of the SJB banded shirt.
  • Senior cardigan
  • THE UNIFORM SHOE: Jeanites are expected to wear a standard low-heeled shoe that may be laced or slip-on in black, brown, or navy. Sneakers are not permitted.



  • SJB navy t-shirt
  • SJB navy shorts or sweat pants
  • Sports bra
  • Running shoes and socks



  • The SJB sweater, vest, or SJB half-zip pullover is required for all formal assemblies.



  • SJB blue cord skirt
  • SJB WHITE banded shirt (long or short sleeve)




  • Students are only allowed to wear spirit attire such as SJB sweatshirts and hoodies on designated Spirit Days. The gym t-shirt should not be worn in place of the SJB uniform shirt. Occasionally, a “Spirit Jeans Day" is granted. On such days students are permitted to wear jeans, with the SJB hooded sweater or SJB athletic team shirt. Ripped jeans are not permitted.



Additional uniform information:

  • Fall/Spring Skirts shorter than one inch above the knee are not acceptable.
  • Long sleeve shirts may not be worn under the short sleeve uniform blouse.
  • Leg wear - OPAQUE (no see thru) NAVY socks, stockings, or tights.. No footless tights may be worn
  • Boots may NOT be worn in school. During inclement weather students may wear boots traveling to and from school.
  • During the winter months, white turtlenecks may be worn under the long sleeve uniform blouse; T-shirts worn under a blouse must be white, and NOT visible through the blouse.
  • No hats, head wraps, hairnets, or sun glasses may be worn in school
  • Jewelry should be kept to a minimum
  • Two earrings per ear, diameter or length of earrings may not exceed one inch (the size of a quarter),
  • No other visible body piercing; all face piercing must be removed
  • Large or decorative belt or belt buckles are not allowed. Belts must be black or navy blue.
  • No unnatural hair colors
  • No visible tattoos




  • Underclasswomen are not to wear any make-up.
  • Upperclasswomen (Juniors / Seniors) may wear light make-up, such as a pink or neutral color lip gloss. No heavy make-up will be acceptable. Nail polish is to be kept to a light or neutral color.


*Modifications of the school uniform for religious or medical reasons are permitted. Please speak with the Assistant Principal of Student Affairs to request permission.*




On these specially announced days, uniforms need NOT be worn, and students are expected to dress appropriately. The guidelines for a dress-up day are as follows:




  • Appropriate top
  • Skirt/Dress
  • Dress pants, or khakis
  • Any type of low heeled shoe, boot, or all black sneaker





  • No tank/tube tops
  • No off-the-shoulder tops
  • No halters
  • No spaghetti straps
  • No bare-midriff tops
  • No plunging necklines



  • No short skirts
  • No shorts
  • No spandex/leggings
  • No sweat suits of any type or material
  • No jeans of any type



  • No high heeled shoes
  • No slippers/slides
  • No flip-flops/thong sandals
  • No sneakers



  • No hats, head wraps, hairnets, or sunglasses


*Students who choose to ignore the guidelines for uniform and dress code will receive a demerit or may be sent home to change. If they miss quizzes or tests, they may NOT make them up; they will receive a zero.