Jeanites Serve

Jeanite Faith
As a parish high school, Jeanites are committed to be part of the life of the Church and find ways to participate in the faith life of the parish community. Whether it be as an altar server, Eucharistic Minister, or greeter, Jeanites find ways to live out and celebrate their faith with the Saint Jean Baptiste Church community. All members of the SJB community are encouraged to attend Mass at the parish, especially Family and Community Masses.

Jeanites for Others
SJB is a proud partner with Civic Spirit - a coalition of Faith based schools working to transform the way we teach our young people to engage in civic life, dialogue with people who hold differing beliefs, and enhance civic participation for the good of our Country.
The Mission:

Civic Spirit educates, inspires, and empowers schools across faith traditions to enhance civic belonging and responsibility in their student, faculty, and parent communities. Through professional support and student programs, Civic Spirit prepares the next generation to be knowledgeable, ethical, and active participants in the
civic life of their community and
the political life of our democracy.
SJB Civic Scholars: Jeanites have the opportunity to take a 3 credit college course and to engage in a real life civics project to better understand how our democracy works and to make a difference in our communities. Jeanites who take the Civic Spirit course are identified as Civic Scholars and help lead the SJB community in a school wide civics project. Civic Scholars also participate in Civic Spirit Day - a full day gathering of student leaders from all the Civic Partner Schools and work collaboratively designing solutions to civic issues.
Find out more about Civic Spirit and the work Jeanites are doing with our partner schools at: Civic Spirit.